Thursday, 20 March 2014

Life is not a science but an art

I suddenly see why people who studied mathematics or science are not usually interesting when they talk politics - Margaret Thatcher being an obvious example. In their disciplines answers are either right or wrong. Life is not a science but an arts discipline where there are many right answers, though some much more right than others.

Boris Johnson had another insight that deserves to be disseminated.

Life is not course-work. It's one exam crisis after another.

Unfortunately course work has feminised our education system, benefiting girls at the expense of boys and hard-working plodders at the expense of the brilliant but lazy.


  1. 'Unfortunately course work has feminised our education system, benefiting girls at the expense of boys and hard-working plodders at the expense of the brilliant but lazy.'

    Formal education/schooling has been like that since the beginning of time.

  2. 'Unfortunately course work has feminised our education system, benefiting girls at the expense of boys and hard-working plodders at the expense of the brilliant but lazy.'

    Formal education/schooling has been like that since the beginning of time.

  3. Hmm I'd say Isaac Newton would have been able to conduct an interesting political conversation..just saying like. Jeanne Griffin

    1. I am very sure he would have been terrible.
      Pope, on the other hand...

  4. Not really. Things can be right in maths but not so much in science. Things can, however, be wrong in both which, while true of the everything, imposes an unwelcome discipline on arts graduates more familiar with using partial views of situations to advocate ideas they already hold, for no very good reason.
