Saturday 3 October 2015

What are your favourite book titles?

The best ones I can think of are: 

The Well at the World's End,
The Wood Beyond the World,
A Horse Called Ampersand,
The Unbearable Lightness of Being,
Love in the Time of Cholera,
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin,
The Room in the Dragon Volant (a novella, I admit),
The Worm Ouroboros,
At the Back of the North Wind,
Hangover Square,
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen,
When William Came (Saki - it's about a German invasion),
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (a Lord Peter Wimsey murder story),
A Far Cry from Kensington,
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul,
A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush.
Why are so many recent books (recent meaning published in the past thirty years)? Perhaps the best of all are both recent by my definition.
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil.
Oddest and least inviting title? I nominate Geriatric Dentistry in Eastern European Countries. I once thumbed through a copy of this very rare book in a shop in the Charing Cross Rd.


  1. The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

  2. Replies
    1. Have you read it? I got to page 100 after my yacht cruise. It's very good but too much yachting for me.

    2. I've read it several times.

      True it is no 39 Steps. It is slowly unwinding story, there is little (violent) action and the ending is not very exciting. But it is a tale of its time and for me has great charm.

      But then again, I enjoy sailing :)

      So few best-selling authors are executed by firing squad, Childers book is worth a (full) read.

    3. Oh it was absolutely charming and gripping in its way - but I finds reading any novels, any books, hard in the age of the internet. And i feel the effort should be given to more serious books unless the light ones are quick to read. Childers was a very good writer. I'd like to read his biography.

  3. I just remembered News from Nowhere, which makes three by William Morris. The Well at the World's End and the Wood Beyond the World are also Morris. The Well at the World's End is the best ever, I think.

  4. The Golden Trashery of Ogden Nashery is a great title.

  5. Between Silk and Cyanide, by Leo Marks, famous as SOE codemaster, writer of the Peeping Tom screenplay and Life That I Have poem, and of the 84 Charing Cross Road bookshop. The silk bore the codes for the secret agents, such as Violette Szabo, and the cyanide needs no explanation.

    1. Oh very good - thanks. You come from the famed home of Wizz Air and 'Tommy Robinson'.
