Thursday 20 October 2016

Only 15 Cambridge students voted against 'This house would open its doors to refugees'

James Delingpole, writing in today's Spectator, says that only 15 undergraduates voted against a Cambridge Union motion he defended that 'This house would open its doors to refugees'. 

And remember, Union members are way to the right of the general student body. 

At the Oxford Union it was the same story, except the Oxonians were much less polite and thoughtful.

Both universities, he says, have swung further to the left in the last decade. Right-wing students there are like Catholic recusants in Elizabethan England.

This is bad news for the future of England. 

Thank goodness, though, that at least we have Brexit. That was a hard slap in the face to Oxford and Cambridge and no mistake.

A Cambridge undergraduate told me in July that 85% of undergraduates voted Remain and the rest kept quiet about voting Leave (why?)


  1. Brexiterians are like Trumpaloons. The biggest thrill for them far above any policy victory is slapping, tweaking, hitting and putting people in their place who they believe to be snobs. Even when they win the resentment never goes away.

    1. "Even when they win the resentment never goes away."

      Well, not surprising really, considering the decades of resentment to be worked off, eh? Get used to it.

      BTW, your post reeks of ... snobbery.

    2. My favourite snobbish joke is from a film called 'My Favorite Year', in which Peter O'Toole played a film star called Alan Swann.

      Stockbroker #1: [looking over the edge of the balcony] I think Alan Swann is beneath us!
      Stockbroker #2: Of course he's beneath us. He's an actor!
      Stockbroker #1: No! I think Alan Swann is beneath us right now!

    3. Good movie!

      Classic line... "Im not an ACTOR! I'm a Movie Star" Boy, I sure miss Peter O'toole.

    4. Oh so do I! I saw him on the stage in Jeffrey Barnard is Unwell.

  2. As a recent Cambridge grad and one of the remaining 15%, I can corroborate that claim. Being a 'Leaver' in the run up to the referendum meant keeping quiet or conducting conversations with sympathetic fellow students in conspiratorial whispers lest you be outed as a heretic and strung up in the public square.

    The vast majority of remain-supporting Cantabs were, of course, sensible rational people who could cope with opposing viewpoints. However, a small minority including some faculty considered voting leave as tantamount to an admission of Nazism and xenophobia, no matter how liberal your actual reasons.
