Thursday 13 July 2017


It is impossible to live pleasurably without living wisely, well, and justly, and it is impossible to live wisely, well, and justly without living pleasurably. Epicurus

The presence of oceans on much of the earth's surface makes it impossible for any state to achieve global hegemony. John Mearsheimer

In the end, the Labour party could cease to represent labour. Stranger historic ironies have happened than that. Enoch Powell

Whatever the differences that characterize their various schools of thought, conservatives, as much as Leftists, are united by a distinctive approach to reality – particularly nature. For the Left, the concept ‘nature’ suggests infinite plasticity; for the Right, by contrast, it is something fixed, and even normative. One sees nature as a material condition to be adapted to the ‘rational’ goals of social planners; the other sees it as a source of unchanging truth in a world otherwise in flux. This sense of human limitation is an important link between Old Right ‘reactionaries’ and those neoconservatives who have effectively documented the ‘unintended consequences’ of many social programs. In the end, it may also be a set of attitudes, not rigorously developed views, that define conservatives; adherence to these attitudes was once deemed essential to conservative self-identification. Paul Gottfried and Thomas Fleming in the Preface to The Conservative Movement


  1. In the last few weeks, the odds on Jacob Rees-Mogg becoming the next Conservative leader have been slashed from 50 to 1 to 10 to 1 — putting him ahead of Ruth Davidson, Sajid Javid and Michael Gove. And while it’s true that in the upper echelons of the party they’re still talking of it as a big beasts’ battle between David Davis, Philip Hammond, Boris Johnson and Amber Rudd, out among the Tory grassroots there is a great deal more appetite for the one candidate on offer who still thinks and talks like an actual conservative.

    I’d vote for him like a shot.

    The Spectator Australia by James Delingpole

    1. Yes Jacob Rees Mogg who begged forgiveness from the Leftist media for appearing at a TBG dinner. Just the type of man that will arrest Britain's decline into a Islamified dirt world slum.

  2. I would love to see RM as Tory leader, in modern Britain he would put a nail the size of a railway spike in his own coffin. While he is on the edges he can be the posh twit and mostly left alone by the tabloids. As leader every knife would be at his back. Not unintelligent, but elitist ( he would hate you Mr Wood ) and entitled ( but not ennobled) he is everything folk hated about Cameron and Johnson magnified.


    1. "I would love to see RM... put a nail the size of a railway spike in his own coffin."

      That's it?

    2. That is it, I see no relevance in him as a human or politician. He is a hereditary conservative devoid of original thought or solutions for the problems Britain faces now or in the future. He is a dinosaur who isn't aware his tail is being eaten by rats yet.


    3. I loved Lord Rees-Mogg's articles very much and miss him badly. I doubt whether J. R.-M. is very conservative but I like the cut of his gib.

    4. I read that his father Lord Rees-Mogg was very racist but I don't know what the writer meant by racist.

    5. He hasn't held office so can't be PM. Though I know Messrs. Blair, Cameron and MacDonald hadn't.
