Sunday 25 November 2018

Thank God Theresa May lost the election

Thank God that Mrs May called her unnecessary general election last year, allowed seven weeks for campaigning instead of the usual three and a half, and campaigned so appallingly that the Tories lost their majority and are dependent on the Paisleyite Democratic Unionists.

If she had at her back the majority everyone expected, of 70 or 90 MPs, her (Olly Robbins' and the civil service's) deal would go through parliament.

I did not like Margaret Thatcher in her time but miss her very badly now. Every British Tory - even every British patriot - must.

Things hang in the balance in England this weekend, but thank God that there are signs that Mrs May's terrible deal will not pass the House of Commons.

If the deal that's been agreed does go through, and it still well might at the first attempt or second, the consequences would be fatal for Britain. As a Liberal Democrat Remainer political scientist friend said to me after her terms were announced, clearly no deal is now necessary. 

I agree with him, unless a third way can be found and one does.

The consequences of the present deal would be fatal not only to Britain but also to the Tories. Their very important reputation for competence would be destroyed more comprehensively than after the UK left the ERM and the party would be split for decades to come. This is the consequence of a referendum that David Cameron thought would end in-fighting over Europe once and for all.

The Sunday Telegraph says that a Plan B is being prepared by Her Majesty's Government much like the Norwegian option, which means leaving the EU and escaping the ECJ at the price of allowing free movement of EU citizens. This seems a very cheap price to me and being in the EEA would be, I pray, only temporary. Even if it were not it would be infinitely better than Mrs May's deal that requires us even to pledge not to leave the European Court of Human Rights, an institution we should leave as soon as possible and which has no connection with the EU. 

I'd be content with no deal (meaning WTO tariffs) and happier with the Canadian deal, though neither WTO nor Canada cover services (they used to be called invisible earnings) that make up three quarters of Britain's income. But Norway would be the safe option and should please most people, for the time being, Remainers certainly and Leavers at least if it is temporary. It would heal the wounds in the country and in the two main parties.


  1. Yes, and the DUP has, probably, inadvertently but conveniently, ensured either the softest-imaginable Brexit, or no Brexit at all (but all the bile that has come with the whole thing).

  2. If the PM gets this through, and I suspect she will, the UK may be ready for a decisive shift from the Right.

    1. I hope to God she doesn't. You mean a backlash against her and the mess they made of Brexit?

  3. For me, no deal is by far the best start point. The worst predictions for it are only marginal overall, but hitting a few sectors of the economy: even if they proved right, we could deal with that through tax breaks.

    I do think Theresa Mole will go down in history as a massive liar, as well as bungler, unless she is put out of her misery now. We knew the parliamentary party had a large majority of phoney Conservatives in it, but it’s deeply depressing to find that even the non-phoneys turn out to belargely phoney.

  4. A shift FROM the right?? Oh, I don’t think so! Far more likely a shift to the extreme or far right actually! Corbyn and his Momentum lads, not to mention Antifa, has frightened the populace so severely that they will trust the security promised by the far right against the Sunni Muslim Forces invasion threatening our country and Europe! The main target is Brexit! Then we get rid of this extreme Muslim Jihadist mob and pack them all off to Pakistan or wherever! We “will” rescue Europe a third time yet!!

  5. Who could have handled Brexit better? We will never know, because all the candidates for the job ran from the responsibility. It was always going to be challenging no matter who took it on.
