Sunday 6 November 2011

Ill fares the land to hast'ning ills a prey

A report named UN World Population Prospects came out last month. It showed that Romania's birth rate already very low has fallen very steeply in the last year. UN researchers calculated at what rate nations risk disappearing, which includes Romania along with Russia in the first 10 countries to disappear, if birth rates do not increase.

I am no mathematician but I do not believe any population will diminish to zero. Not so long as men and women continue to find each other attractive.

Norway and the USA will be among the last to disappear according to the UN figures. They I suppose continue to reproduce because of immigrants.

Romania is already replacing her missing generation with immigrants from China, Africa etc. I think this is sad. Russia and Japan will not - which will be survivable for Japan as people there do not rely on the state for support in old age. Perhaps in Russia and Romania too people do not rely on the state, have a subsistence economy in the countryside, look after their parents. But Romania's missing workers now sitting out the crisis further West will be replaced by immigrants.

By 2050 Egypt and Russia are expected to have the same population but the Russian government does not like immigration. April saw the sacking of Konstantin Poltoranin, the spokesman for the Russian Federal Migration Service, after the BBC Russian Service posted an interview in which he said: "We want to make sure the mixing of blood happens in the right way here, and not the way it has happened in Western Europe where the results have not been good." UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said 

"I would like to use this opportunity to commend the authorities of the Russian Federation for the dismissal of the former spokesperson of the Federal Migration Service for his racist remarks."

Mr. Poltoranin told the BBC:

"What is now at stake is the survival of the white race. We feel this in Russia," 

 After he was fired he said he stood by every word he said. I doubt if his former colleagues or Mr. Putin feel very differently. But all the immigration controls in the world cannot ensure the survival of the white race if white mothers and fathers do not have more children.

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