Saturday 13 October 2012

Enoch Powell told me the time to start worrying ...

His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyč, Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Enoch Powell told me the time to start worrying was when bishops started looking young - this is the moment when they started to.


  1. The Russian Orthodox have the young bishop Hilarion Alfeyev, he is very popular and is very active in inter-Christian diologue, writing music, theological essays and others. I have the impression he is well experienced, or at least learned.

  2. some bishops have always been young. his one was elected as the head of the ukrainian church by a synod composed of a number of old bishops. their confidence in this man speaks volumes, as did Pius Xii in Siri, a young bishop and cardinal. Athanasius
