Sunday 15 December 2013

Christians continue to flee Iraq as well as Syria and Egypt

More news of Christians leaving Iraq. All this was caused by the Anglo-American toppling of Saddam. Saddam it is clear was  better at ruling Iraq than anyone is likely to be in the
foreseeable future. Unfortunately a Syrian Muslim was right when he told me, years ago in Damascus,
Do not misunderstand what I am going to say. Saddam was a very, very bad man. But Iraq needs to be ruled by a very bad man.

In the Middle East only Kurdistan and Israel are safe for Christians it seems. The Kurds who were the hereditary enemies of the Armenians and took part in the Armenian genocide ('Who now remembers the Armenians? Hitler is supposed to have asked) are now the Christians' protectors. they are, as Gladstone described the American Confederacy, a nation rightly struggling to be free. Though this does not justify terrorism - in this I differ from Nelson Mandela.

What is the least bad outcome to the war in Syria, whose Christians are fleeing? The worst is endless war in Syria Iraq and Lebanon.

A Syrian Christian friend, who has moved to Bucharest, wrote to me:

I don't really know what exactly led to all this. .so many factors actually.the dictatorship enhanced the hatred between Syria the government increased the count of new built mosques and sharia schools to get the approve of the sunni majority..while they were approaching Christians and claiming to protect them as a minority..but both ways lead to more concentration on religious differences. .In fact anyone who opposes the rulers whether he was Christian, Muslim or even Alawi would be hardly punished...on the other hand in earlier history the foreign intervention and support for one of the parties fighting over power in any of these "blessed" countries has just made everything worse..and I still don't understand the British French and American role in all these countries...Christians really need help to survive in these places along with Muslims .they are also getting killed brutally with a one difference is that they couldn't be vanished as they are a majority and give birth to many more kids:)

She thinks the regime is bad, the rebels are bad but foreign intervention would make things worse. I agree, but I think, as she does, that a reformed regime without Assad is less bad than a a victory for the rebels.

I also assume a democratic vote would lead to endless civil war because it would bring to power Islamists like in Egypt.

How should the Middle East have been carved up in 1918?

A democratic Ottoman Empire running the Middle East would have been my choice. King Abdullah I of Jordan was once elected MP for Mecca in free election before 1914. But after Turkey went to war with the Allies in 1914 and we invaded the region this became impossible.

Monarchies are so useful - as Mark Steyn said a monarchy is its own ideology. I regret the ethnic cleansing of Greece and Turkey. Austen Chamberlain the British Foreign Secretary approved of it on the ground that ethnic minorities cannot live alongside each other without war - but the UK Government has changed its position on this subsequently.


  1. Anglo-American, Saudi-Qatar and a little help from some others made this horrendous mess of Syria too. And now they're ruining the break-through Iran-5+1 talks. These arm chair mass murderers.

  2. "In the Middle East only Kurdistan and Israel are safe for Christians it seems." But let's not forget that the free part of Cyprus, the Greek part, is also safe for Christians. Unfortunately, the area of the Republic under Turkish occupation has been ethnically 'cleansed' of the majority Greek Orthodox, their property confiscated and their churches and burial sites desecrated.

  3. "In the Middle East only Kurdistan and Israel are safe for Christians it seems." But let's not forget that the free part of Cyprus, the Greek part, is also safe for Christians. Unfortunately, the area of the Republic under Turkish occupation has been ethnically 'cleansed' of the majority Greek Orthodox, their property confiscated and their churches and burial sites desecrated.

  4. As a Protestant i can give them no refuge. They cannot truly flee to God.
