Tuesday 20 September 2016

Today I have lived in Romania for 18 years

I just checked on a 1998 calendar. Today I have lived in Romania 18 years. The first two crawled past because every day was so strange. The last 16 flew. I am very grateful to live here, in this country that still enchants me, but wish the years would slow down.

Why am I happy to have spent so many years here? I wrote this article called 25 reasons why I love living in Romania, in no particular order which has received 107,000 clicks so far. 

110,000 now.

This is a picture by Octav Dragan of the street in the old town where I live. 

I don't think this was taken recently, as it's now full of huge potholes three years after the asphalt was resurfaced at great public expense. Thank God it's not too gentrified, though a club and a restaurant have appeared and, worst of all, at one point a Souvenir Shop. Dread words (I am becoming Wallace Arnold, I know.) Still gypsies still wander around the street in dressing gowns.


  1. 108001.. Indeed, very touching post. And in hindsight, you were and are, so right!

  2. I was baptized and married in Romania and had a total of five visits. I don't think I could live with the corruption and graft I see every time! Ulysses Taylor

  3. Great post, I enjoyed reading it and the "25 reasons" a lot. Thanks

  4. David in Banja Luka24 September 2016 at 09:03

    A very good choice :).

  5. I think we did a swap. In July of this year I celebrated 18 years living in England.

    1. I hope you enjoyed your 18 years in my country as much as I loved living in your country. I spent my summer holiday in England and it is wonderful.

    2. http://pvewood.blogspot.ro/2016/09/holiday-in-england.html
