Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Village Museum, Bucharest, under snow

Image result for bucharest snow

Architecture Canvas Print featuring the photograph Heavy Snow In A Romanian Village by Daniela Constantinescu


  1. It's beautiful! Snow in February is depressing but in mid March it's fun.

  2. Haha isn't everyone tired of winter? Every Romanian I know always complains about the winter, especially after the Christmas season. Very few complain about the summer. I, for one, can't wait for the poles to lose their ice caps, to bring the planet back to normal again and to get out of this current Ice Age. I dream of coconut palms and other normal plants in Bucharest, not ugly dead leafless trees spoiling the scenery for half the year.

    1. I am very busy but shall try to pay a visit to the Village Museum under snow tomorrow.

  3. Dear Paul, in case you have time - there is Elena Murariu paintings exhibition in Focsa room - a wonderful collection of paintings in my view. L.

    1. Welcome! Village Museum is a magical place, with or without snow. Luminita

    2. I agree. I just paid a second visit in 24 hours.

    3. I enjoyed the icons by Elena Murariu. Thank you very much for the suggestion.
