Thursday 24 May 2018

Abbott declared support for IRA defeat of Britain

[Diane] Abbott, who will become home secretary if Labour wins the election, said in the 1984 interview that Ireland “is our struggle — every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us. A defeat in Northern Ireland would be a defeat indeed.”

Andrew Gilligan
May 21 2017, The Sunday Times


  1. The thing is though, if she had uttered those words today I would be wholly in agreement, although not for the reasons. UK under the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher was a bad government but it wasn't evil. On the other hand the UK under the Conservative government of Theresa May is arguably the most evil, the most culturally degenerate regime in the world today. Britain now has resurrected blasphemy laws for the perverted purpose of imprisoning those who offend foreign child rapists, and has ordered a press blackout to prevent public awareness of the fact. If the conflict between the IRA and the British government was still going strong today I would now be firmly on the side of the former. Bad as the Irish government is, the British government is far worse and Northern Ireland would be better off out of the UK.

    1. Northern ireland is the best place in the United Kingdom partly because of the prestige and influence of the churches but there is nothing to be said for the IRA or Sinn Fein. As Catholics they should know that it is a duty to submit to the authority placed over them by Almighty God. But they are no longer Catholics and unbelievably back homosexual marriage and abortion. Though admittedly the idea of the IRA being pro-life is sickening.

    2. “As Catholics they should know that it is a duty to submit to the authority placed over them by Almighty God.“

      Anyone who believes such a thing is a moron no matter what sky daddy he chooses to believes in. “Always submit to the authorities” is a rule for dumb sheep not for men.
