Thursday 28 June 2018

The moon rose blood-red and a two-headed cow was born that night

Germany was apparently knocked out of the World Cup last night - and by a weak team. The Guardian report says:
"There are certain events so apocalyptic that it feels they cannot just happen. They should be signalled beneath thunderous skies as owls catch falcons and horses turn and eat themselves.
Pastiching auguries from Livy, etc, is a joke I trot out regularly, so next time I do so do not imagine, gentle reader, that I cribbed it from a Guardian sports writer.

Italy did not even qualify. Are these things a parable for the world of Trump, Brexit, Salvini, migrants, etc, etc? 
Not really - it's the dear old sympathetic fallacy.


  1. Cornwallis had the tune THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN at his surrender at Yorktown, "If buttercups buzzed after the bee,
    If boats were on land, Churches on sea,
    If ponies rode men", which was also the Cavalier tune WHEN THE KING ENJOYS HIS OWN AGAIN, "Let rogues and cheats prognosticate Concerning king's or kingdom's fate." No World Cup back then.

  2. Germans never seem to perform well in Russia.
