Friday 27 July 2018


Climate change denial should be a crime.

I assumed this was a fake but Alistair Campbell, Blair's PR adviser REALLY said this. Just now. 

"The French have not recovered from Sartre and perhaps never will. For they have had to live with an intellectual establishment that has consistently repudiated the two things that hold the country together: Christianity and the idea of France." Sir Roger Scruton, The Power of Negative Thinking.

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Andrew Lilico @andrew_lilico The English tend to react to threats in 1 of 2 ways. "You're 'avin' a laugh, mate!" turns, suddenly & near-seamlessly, into "Come on, then, if you think you're 'ard enough!" At some point, attitudes to No Deal will switch like this, too.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Once you introduce crimes of conscience like "Holocaust denial" you have already accepted the premise that a person can be morally defective because they don't believe something to be factually true. Once you have crossed that line there is no logical end to what crimes of belief or disbelief can be introduced.

    1. Once you introduce crimes of conscience like "Holocaust denial" you have already accepted the premise that a person can be morally defective because they don't believe something to be factually true. Once you have crossed that line there is no logical end to what crimes of belief or disbelief can be introduced.

      It means that you have a theocracy. Dogma cannot be questioned. Heresy is a criminal offence.

  3. David in Belgrade28 July 2018 at 10:27

    On my computer screen I cant see the full Andrew Lilico quote.
    Can you do something about that?

    1. Paulvew added,
      Andrew Lilico @andrew_lilico
      The English tend to react to threats in 1 of 2 ways. "You're 'avin' a laugh, mate!" turns, suddenly & near-seamlessly, into "Come on, then, if you think you're 'ard enough!" At some point, attitudes to No Deal will switch like this, too.
      0 replies0 retweets0 likes

  4. What people believe is essentially what they wish to believe. They cultivate illusions out of idealism—and also out of cynicism. They follow their own visions because doing so satisfies their religious cravings, and also because it is expedient. They seek beliefs that can exalt their souls, and that can fill their bellies. They believe out of generosity, and also because it serves their interests. They believe because they are stupid, and also because they are clever. Simply, they believe in order to survive. And because they need to survive, sometimes they could gladly kill whoever has the insensitivity, cruelty, and inhumanity to deny them their life-supporting lies.

    Simon Leys
    "The Curse of the Man Who Could See the Little Fish at the Bottom of the Ocean"
    Quoted by Patrick Kurp

  5. Climate change denial should be a crime, yes it should. No more to be said.

    1. "And because they need to survive, sometimes they could gladly kill whoever has the insensitivity, cruelty, and inhumanity to deny them their life-supporting lies."
      See above.
