Monday 25 February 2019

Will the Revolution Devour Bernie?

From an American Conservative article called How the Revolution Could Devour Bernie.
Sanders was pilloried for his refusal to support open borders in a 2015 interview with liberal pundit Ezra Klein. “No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal,” Sanders replied, later calling it “right-wing.” He added, “It would make everybody in America poorer—you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.” Klein’s website then ran a piece with a headline claiming “Bernie Sanders’s fear of immigrant labor is ugly—and wrongheaded.” 

This left-wing economic nationalism might make Sanders attractive to the white working-class voters who cast the decisive ballots for Donald Trump in 2016. So too would the fact that while Sanders is reliably liberal on social issues, including the obligatory support for abortion on demand, he is clearly not animated by them. The key swing voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are economically liberal but socially conservative.


  1. I don't think Sanders will be permitted to win the nomination.

    If he does win he'll crush Trump in the election. But to modern political parties winning elections is a secondary consideration. They'd rather lose with an approved candidate than win with a non-approved one.

    1. He will be permitted to win since the Clinton machine no longer exists. Donald Trump proved that'they' cannot stop anyone from winning if he is popular.

    2. He will be permitted to win since the Clinton machine no longer exists. Donald Trump proved that 'they' cannot stop anyone from winning if he is popular.

      I hope you're right. Sanders is the best of a bad lot, by a long way. It would really be fun if he won the nomination and picked Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate.

  2. But yes the centre right prefers to lose than to win by talking about immigration. Had Bush 2 done this in 2000 there would have been no need for hanging chads.
