Friday 5 July 2019

The Eccentricities of Cardinal Parolin and Archbishop Peña Parra

Matteo Salvini, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister, is the European statesman who gives me most hope, but the Pope and the Catholic hierarchy loathe him, despite his disapproval of single sex marriage and abortion, because he does not want Italy to take in people from the Maghreb who claim asylum. 

An article in the New York Times headlined 'How the Catholic Church Lost Italy to the Far Right', talks about him and mentions that Cardinal Parolin, the Cardinal Secretary of State, has rebuked him for 'invoking God for his own sake'.

This is the same Cardinal Parolin whom, we learnt yesterday from a scoop by Lifesitenews, Archbishop Vigano has condemned for not questioning the appointment of Archbishop Peña Parra as his deputy, despite the existence of a file of very serious allegations against the latter involving boys.

"Before such important appointments, a rigorous informative process is made to verify the suitability of the candidate, so these accusations [of grave misconduct with boys] were surely brought to the attention of Cardinal Parolin.

"Furthermore, Cardinal Parolin knows the names of a number of priests in the Curia who are sexually unchaste, violating the laws of God that they solemnly committed themselves to teach and practice, and he continues to look the other way."
According to Archbishop Vigano, Archbishop Peña Parra and his friend Father Severeyn were on holiday together when they were involved in the death of two people, who were killed by electrical shock. 
“The two corpses were found naked... with evidence of macabre homosexual lewd encounters."
If Cardinal Parolin somehow did not know of the accusations against his deputy he learnt about them when they were published in the Italian press in October on his appointment. 

I know nothing bad about Cardinal Parolin personally except that he helped broker the very controversial deal between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist government. I imply nothing about him or anyone else, but it is now indisputable that a network of actively homosexual bishops and priests is powerful in the Church. 

It was said in the press when he abdicated that Pope Benedict XVI did so because he felt he did not have the strength to fight the 'gay mafia' whose existence he had discovered. 

Other journalists said it was learning about homosexual and sado-masochistic activity among priests on the island when he visited Cuba, a place as cut off from Rome as can easily be imagined, that made him give up.

Matteo Salvini is not, of course, far right at all. That means Mussolini, Franco or, in English terms, Sir Oswald Mosley. Signor Salvini is disliked by those who dislike him because he is all too much a democrat. It is little wonder that many Italian Catholics think he wishes to defend Christendom and prefer him to bishops and priests who sodomise boys or protect others who do. 

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