Thursday 17 October 2019

Deputy Chief Constable Julie Cooke, national lead on LGBT issues for the National Police Chiefs Council, advises the public on pronouns

Today marks #pronounsday – seeking to make sharing, educating and respecting personal pronouns commonplace. 

Here is the spoken message she tweeted. 

Marriage, Robert Louis Stevenson said, is a sort of friendship recognised by the police.

Now they recognise all sorts of friendships and all sorts of sexes too.

In June DC Cooke was criticised for wearing an LGBT rainbow coloured lanyard (a sort of string around her neck) by the chairman (the BBC called him the chair) of the Cheshire police and crime panel that oversees the force's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). He said she was in breach of impartiality regulations.

Cheshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), David Keane (Labour) said Mr Fousert's comments were "deeply shocking" and rainbow lanyards and badges were "about promoting fairness, openness and equality". A conservative member of the panel expressed support for what the Cheshire police did to raise tolerance.
DC Cooke tweeted that she would "continue to show my support for the LGBT+ community internally and externally." The Chief Constable of Cheshire Darren Martland tweeted:"The exceptional work of DCC Cooke and Cheshire Constabulary in recognising difference and encouraging inclusion of LGBT+ communities is to be celebrated and applauded."

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