Wednesday 4 December 2019

A savage indictment of Pope Francis by recent editor of the Catholic Herald

The decline (and fall?) of the Church concerns not just Catholics or even Christians. It involves the decline of Western civilisation, as economic and political analyst David Goldman recently said. He is an observant Orthodox Jew. Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. 

For many years I was annoyed if people spoke of Catholic priests as child abusers and pederasts, wrongly thinking the numbers of guilty men were tiny. Most priests are good, selfless men, of course, but the numbers who are wicked are not tiny at all. 7% of priests in Australia, a Royal Commission was told, allegedly abused children between 1950 and 2010.

The Church is in as gravely corrupt a state as in the early 16th century, before Luther nailed his theses to the wall. The hierarchy and the College of Cardinals are riddled with depraved men and with men who protect the guilty. Damian Thompson, who was Editor of the Catholic Herald in London until he resigned recently, says the Pope has repeatedly protected guilty men and names lots of names. 

Meanwhile, he asks us to confess to 'ecological sins'.

Damian Thompson tweeted this yesterday. 

... Francis is accountable for ignoring the abuse of deaf kids, other crimes against minors by Karadima in Chile, Grassi in Argentina (more to come)... offering top job in Vatican finances to suspected sex abuser Bishop Zanchetta, promoting Abp Pena Parra, notorious suspected abuser, rehabilitating sex abuser McCarrick, inviting incestuous sex abuse enabler Danneels to Synod on the FAMILY. All done by His Holiness.

Meanwhile Francis tells the crook Maradiaga not to worry about Church investigation, while dragging his heels over Maradiaga’s best buddy Bishop Pineda – yup; another sex abuser. And disgraced Wuerl, who lied about McCarrick, still sits on the Congregation for Bishops. 

And what happens to Becciu, who authorised Vatican funnelling of millions into property deals etc? He gets made a Cardinal by Francis! As does McCarrick’s flatmate Farrell, who knew NOTHING about the beach house. After Farrell lied about this, what does Francis do? See below

Fortunately the orthodox profs and pundits are around to address the REAL scandal in the Church - the dissing of “common good” Catholics by libertarian Republicans. Or the other way round.

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