Friday 12 June 2020

One Cheer For Trump’s Troop Withdrawal From Germany

The American foreign policy establishment, which despises Donald Trump, is in a fit of vapours because of his decision to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany, out of a total of about 35,000. So are the pacific, Trump-hating, anti-American Germans. German pressmen suggest he is doing this in a fit of pique because Frau Merkel will not attend his party summit.

A man called David Axe wrote an article in Forbes headlined

Before Donald Trump, Russia Needed 60 Hours To Beat NATO—Now Moscow Could Win Much Faster

David Axe

He did not explain why Russia would want to do so or why a few hours either way mattered.

The truth is that Russia is not a threat to America nor to Germany nor Eastern Europe, apart from Ukraine, Georgia (if that counts as Europe) or just conceivably Belarus. Iran is not a threat to anyone either, other than Iranians and arguably the Saudis, Sunnis and Israelis, but Republicans continue to worry about Iran even this week. They are faux conservatives who should be trying to impose order in American cities and fight the left for control of the narrative about racism. Illegal immigrants, not Russians, are the defence threat to the USA.

According to Ann Coulter legal immigrants can be too.

It is very true that the troops are in Germany as a good location from which to be sent elsewhere in the world, as analysts point out. But Donald Trump, who is more of a peace president than Jimmy Carter, does not want to be entangled in military action. If he changes his mind he can send the GIs back.

An article in American Conservative, written by someone who also dislikes Donald Trump, makes some good points.

Germany is a fabulously wealthy country, with the largest economy in a European Union (EU) that has a combined GDP larger than that of the United States. Yet 75 years after World War II ended and about three decades after the Cold War evaporated with the collapse of the East Bloc and the dissolution of the Soviet Union—the NATO alliance’s principal enemy and reason for being—the United States still guarantees the security of these rich countries against a much diminished, but overhyped, Russian threat.

Townsend dramatically concluded, “Putin must be deliriously happy with U.S. troops in America’s streets and U.S. troops leaving European streets.” Perhaps, but so what. Although the Russians forcibly took back Crimea, a Ukrainian region of Russian affinity that had fairly recently been a part of Russia, it likely did these things to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. President George W. Bush had promised Ukraine membership in the U.S.-dominated hostile alliance, which had been advancing toward Russia’s borders since the end of the Cold War. U.S. presidents of both parties and the American foreign policy establishment, as well as NATO governments, see NATO as having benign intentions and expect Vladimir Putin and the Russians to accept that.


  1. U.S. presidents of both parties and the American foreign policy establishment, as well as NATO governments, see NATO as having benign intentions and expect Vladimir Putin and the Russians to accept that.

    I'd say that the American foreign policy establishment sees NATO as being extremely hostile to Russia, in fact they see the destruction of Russia as a sovereign nation to be NATO's sole purpose, and they expect Vladimir Putin and the Russians to accept that.

    The American foreign policy establishment does not believe that any nation on Earth, apart from the US, has a right to national sovereignty. Any nation that does believe it has a right to national sovereignty is perceived as being an enemy that must be destroyed.

    To most Americans globalism means the entire globe being governed from Washington. To most Americans freedom and democracy means the entire globe being governed from Washington.

  2. The Americans see things in Calvinist terms, as befits a country founded by Protestant extremists. They are the elect. Anyone who defies the elect is on the devil's side. This is one of America's greatest strengths.
