Sunday 19 July 2020

Everything's different now

The economic situation is too dark to think about but there is one shaft of sunlight.  People seem to be working effectively from home, whether they work for banks or newspapers or most things, apart from the government. This is one reason why it looks like going back to the world before March of this year will never happen.

At least not till a vaccine is discovered. And as I keep repeating there is no particular reason to think a vaccine ever will be found or that if it it it will be much use, as the virus will have morphed. 

Or till the virus falls away of its own accord or medicines effectively to deal with it are found.

What Gennadi Gerasimov said, talking about glasnost and perestroika, applies to scaring people to death. You can't squeeze toothpaste back into the tube.

And that is bad news for people who own offices, and people who lent money to people who own offices, and people who own or lent money to or work in shops and restaurants close to offices, and for people involved in transporting people from where they live to the office. 

Creative destruction possibly. Who can know?

The post Cold War world is gone. In 2008 everything changed and continues to change (and it has little to do with AI). As Charles Moore keeps saying, everything's different now.

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