Thursday 10 September 2020

Joe Biden is a pathological liar

Bloomberg, hardly a pro-Trump source, has published a shocking list of lies by Joe Biden, who is credited with being decent and nice.

Biden lies routinely and pointlessly. His first presidential campaign, in 1988, went off the rails because his speeches included plagiarized passages. He didn’t just steal turns of phrase from the British politician Neil Kinnock; he stole his autobiography, pretending that his family too had worked coal mines and that he too had been the first of his name to get a college degree “in a thousand generations.”

Biden has been on notice for a long time, then, about the dangers of this kind of embellishment. Still, he can’t help himself. During this year’s campaign, he had to retract a story he had repeatedly told about being arrested “on the streets of Soweto” while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison. Mandela supposedly thanked him for his trouble. It never happened. His revised story is that for a while he wasn’t allowed to leave an airport since he refused to go through a door for whites.

Even in the case of a story that garners Biden enormous and deserved sympathy — the loss of his wife and young daughter in a 1972 car accident — he edits the truth, and not in an innocent way. For many years he presented them as victims of a drunk driver. There was no evidence that the other driver was drunk; he wasn’t even at fault. That driver’s daughter wrote to Biden in 2001 to ask him to stop denigrating her late father, and he wrote a conciliatory note back. In 2007, during Biden’s second presidential campaign, he told the false story again. He apologized for it in 2009.

He lied this year when he said he opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq from the outset and he lied in his acceptance speech at the virtual Democratic 'convention', when he said that Donald Trump called Neo-Nazis fine people. He knows he said the opposite. That's not senility on Biden's part but a lie.

What President Trump said in an August 15, 2017 press conference on the implications of the Charlottesville street clash was this. 

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."


  1. I'm no fan of Biden but here is a joke for Friday:

    How can you tell when a politician is lying?
    His/her lips move.

  2. I have a friend from a modest background who has been shown a great deal of kindness and generosity over the years from the Biden family at no gain to themselves. According to her, Biden lives up to his reputation as a decent man. It has no bearing on how he will run the United States, but after this presidency it’s a small relief to hear.

    All politicians fudge, cover their asses, and spin self-serving tales. None lie as flagrantly or malicious ly as Donald Ted Cruz’s Father Assassinated JFK Trump.

    1. I have no doubt he is a decent and nice man in many ways, with some opinions I find horrible and a habit of lying. And accused of rape but he is innocent until proven guilty. As for lies, Hillary lied even more: about landing in Bosnia under fire (she was met with a band and a small girl bearing flowers); she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary; the Clintons were broke when they left the White House, etc. Tony Blair lied about seeing some footballer whom he was too young to have seen. Boris was fired by The Times for lying and fired by the party leader for lying to him about an adulterous relationship. This is appalling in a Prime Minister but when he is accused of political lies the accusations never seem to stand up. They are inaccuracies not lies. Does Trump lie exactly? He is deliberately inaccurate. He was fact checked by Snopes when he said Obama was the founder of ISIS and they found this was false.

      But lies as opposed to false statements are not acceptable in politicians and used to destroy careers - in Profumo's case, for example. Richard Crossman boasted in his diary of lying to the Commons, I recall.

  3. Maybe smears is the word I mean.


    Dig In
    BlazeTV has released a new documentary titled "Riding the Dragon: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets." The film features investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer and Schweizer's revelations of Chinese influence over the Biden family found in the 2018 book "Secret Empires" and the more recent "Profiles in Corruption" (both #1 New York Times bestsellers).

    "Produced by Lightspeed Pictures in association with Blaze Media, the documentary is broken into six chapters, each dissecting a different deal that the Bidens made with the Chinese government — including one deal in which China planned to invest more than $1 billion in the Hunter Biden-co-owned investment fund Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). Hunter Biden alone pocketed millions of dollars while his father served as Barack Obama's vice president and "point man" on China policy."

  5. Trump just claimed he won the “Bay of Pigs award.” Too bad it doesn’t exist, but it’s somehow fitting.

    I might take a look at what you just posted, but I confess I have misgivings about anything produced by Blaze media. It’s that guy Glenn Beck who weeps all the time when he’s not pouring kerosene on someone on air and threatening to light a match. Glenn Beck was too crazy for Fox and they fired him. He and his followers see conspiracies behind every tree. Not to say that there are not dark forces behind public life, but he is too extreme for me.
