Thursday 7 January 2021

The popular uprising in Washington DC and a lot of hysteria and humbug from TV presenters and their guests

The Sky News woman at 1.00 this morning (I couldn't sleep) was told this was the first time the Capitol in Washington D.C. had been invaded since the British did it in 1814. She clearly had never heard of the War of 1812. These people who tell us what to think are inhumanly stupid.

A crowd of Trump supporters broke into the Capitol to protest what they think, I imagine mistakenly, is a rigged election. Unlike the riots across America last year in the name of Black Lives Matter, which the media pretended were mostly peaceful, this protest is a grave threat to the Republic.

And it is, because it will forever and justifiably damage Donald Trump's reputation and enable the Democrats to cement their power over the public imagination.

His legacy is this and the election of two Democrat senators for Georgia by a small number of votes in each case, caused by Republicans who stayed at home because they believed President Trump when he said the elections were going to be rigged. This means the left control both Houses of Congress and hold the presidency.

I didn't mean the comparison of the protestors with BLM rioters as a compliment to either. Readers should either be in favour of both or opposed to both, as I am. I support riots only in undemocratic places like Hong Kong and only with a lot of caution there. Revolutions and riots usually do much more harm than good - the Boston Tea Party being an example.

Why did Vice-president Pence say violence never succeeds? Violence usually succeeds. Like at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was illegal violence that created the USA.

It reminds me of of people who say that terrorist bombers are cowards, when the reverse is true.

President Trump knows the power of images. When he said he was going to build a wall he used a vivid, simple image. The scenes of mayhem in the Capitol are images that will be remembered when his achievements are forgotten.

His achievements will be soon forgotten and most were almost ignored anyway. Think of peace between the Sunnis and Israel.

What are important and absolutely awful are the deaths of four people on the Capitol. The only one I know something about is the poor woman killed by the police. The New York Times said she believed in the QAnon conspiracy theories and many of its readers will think her death is no loss.

Had Donald Trump behaved as he should she would be alive.


  1. "Like at Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

    As at Pearl Harbor or Fort Sumter? Violence sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. A charitable reading, if one wishes to be charitable to the vice president, would take this as meaning that the violence of a few will not overturn the constitutional government of the United States.

    "a few hundred votes". Well, one can use any denomination one wishes to count, so why not a few dozen? In the closer of the two races, Ossoff's margin appears to be 35 thousand and some, or if you wish about three thousand dozen.

    "The left". In a European context, the Democratic Party, as headed by Biden, and as it will organize Congress, is not really left-wing.

    1. "The left". In a European context, the Democratic Party, as headed by Biden, and as it will organize Congress, is not really left-wing.

      I agree. In fact it's not even remotely left-wing.

      And Wokeism, Social Justice and Open Borders are not left-wing. They are positions created, promoted and funded by the Right in order to destroy the political Left. The BLM and antifa mobs are useful idiots serving the interests of Woke Capital.

    2. I read that he led by a few hundred votes but it seems his final score is was a lot higher. I blame Donald Trump nevertheless.

    3. Left does not mean very left wing. It includes the left of centre. I think the British Liberal Democrats are on the left.

    4. Left does not mean very left wing. It includes the left of centre. I think the British Liberal Democrats are on the left.

      True. But I don't think the Democrats in the US even qualify as left of centre. I'd say they're a centre-right party.

    5. They were. Now even someone as moderate as Old Man Biden is extreme.

  2. “I don’t do rallies for other people. I do them for me.” — DJT

    Trump ruined his own reputation and legacy. He blew a presidential race he could have won and helped tank two Senate seats for the GOP. All the people who for years made excuses for his cruelty and ineptitude should eat their words.

    Since we are talking about the rank stupidity of commentators who make mistakes like referring to the war of 1814, please note that Ossoff in Georgia won by about 30,000 votes, not “a few hundred.” Warnock also won in the thousands.

    DC is my hometown. A statue of my great-grandfather sits in the US Capitol. Years ago at the beginning of my career I used to spend a fair amount of time in the Capitol, often in the surprisingly charming, old-fashioned service areas. This attack egged on by Trump marks a sad and shocking day.

    1. Perhaps we could she had heard of the War of 1812. Every educated person has. She is on any case no brainbox but Sky is the people's channel. The winning margins were a few hundred or so, if I recall well, when I read the news from Georgia but I must have missed the denouement.

  3. Your support for the loathsome Trump and his shameful shenanigans is an embarassment.

    1. Agreed wholeheartedly and the comment about terrorist bombers not being cowards is disgusting.

    2. You suppported the IRA and the striking miners in 1984-5. You wanted Michael Foot to be Prime Minister in 1983 and he was pledged to withdraw the country from the European Economic Community. I now realise he was right about that but I didn't realise then. We both thought badly of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher but you much more so than me. They look good now compared with their successors. Trump is loathsome but he is, like the Roundheads in Sellars and Yeatman, Right but Repulsive.

    3. Paul, I have NEVER supported the IRA or the striking miners, nor Michael Foot. I supported Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, for your info. Correct your post immediately!

    4. Kevin I was addressing Alan. I couldn't see your comment when I replied to him. Your comment interposed itself between us. I thought of pointing that out but deemed it unnecessary as you would know I knew you liked Mrs T. Perhaps I was wrong about her. We should discuss her over dinner after this pandemic is over. At the time I could see nothing conservative about her and she once said the same thing. I wanted her to make it easier for her for mothers to stay at home if they wanted her to. Instead she did things like make divorce almost on demand. I could go on. But her followers were absolutely right about Maastricht. How wrong she was about her dealings with Haughey over Northern Ireland which led on later to the sellout,but at the time I supported her on that. I still think that she was right about Rhodesia but independence meant the horrors of Mugabe.

    5. Agreed wholeheartedly and the comment about terrorist bombers not being cowards is disgusting.

      You can be brave and evil at the same time. People can (and do) behave bravely in the service of evil. The idea that doing something disgusting and evil makes a person a coward is nonsensical. There is unfortunately no necessary connection between bravery and virtue. I think that's the point Paul was trying to make.

      Or perhaps it would be better to say that there is no necessary connection between moral courage and physical courage.

    6. At the time I could see nothing conservative about her and she once said the same thing.

      I don't see anything conservative about Margaret Thatcher either. She was a radical liberal.

    7. Of course that was my point about courage. As for Mrs Thatcher she was a real conservative, I see now, of a dispiriting type. She lacked eloquence and didn't appeal to a romantic reactionary - the Young Fogey's Handbook that came out just as I went down from university said Young Fogeys quite often preferred Neil Kinnock to her.

  4. A crowd of Trump supporters broke into the Capitol to protest what they think, probably mistakenly, is a rigged election.

    I agree. Trump lost the election because he made idiotic blunders, like telling his supporters not to vote by mail. Biden won because the Trump campaign was breathtakingly incompetent.

    Trump supporters (and the Trump campaign) were misled by all those rallies. They thought the rallies indicated the mood of the country when in fact they merely reflected the enthusiasm of people who were always going to vote for Trump anyway. They failed to realise that while Trump supporters were high motivated those who wanted Trump gone were just as motivated and those anti-Trump voters were always going to turn out in huge numbers.

    The stolen election idea is just cope. It's the only way for Trump supporters to deal emotionally with the fact that Trump made shocking mistakes which ensured his own defeat.

    These current riots may well destroy any future prospects for American right-wing populism.

  5. Why Was Founder Of Far-Left BLM Group Filming Inside Capitol As Police Shot Protester?

    1. John Sullivan, a Black Lives Matter activist who was previously arrested as part of a Black Lives Matter riot, is reportedly under arrest related to this week's Capitol rioting.

      Sullivan, from Salt Lake City, Utah, acknowledges he stormed the Capitol and witnessed and recorded on video the shooting death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt at the hands of a Capitol Hill police employee.

      Sullivan says he was there to document events and see them from the inside. He can reportedly be heard on video encouraging rioters to break into the Capitol and telling an officer "people might burn this down."

      The following video appears to show Sullivan at a Black Lives Matter rally several months ago making racist comments and threatening a violent coup against President Trump.

      We f_ckin' 'bout to burn this shit down...We gotta f_ckin' rip Trump outta that office right there, f_ckin' pull him out that shit! Naw naw we ain't about f_ckin' waitin' 'til that next election, we 'bout to go get that mother f_cker [inaudible] f_ck that shit 'cause you know what time it is? Repeat after me: It's time for revolution!

      John Sullivan, August 2020

      Read what Sullivan had to say in an interview at

  6. The Capitol was invaded by protesters, and politicians were harassed as recently as 2018, when anti Kavanaugh activists did it. There was little outrage then, it was just another day at the office. They also tried to storm the Supreme Court but were repelled by law enforcement.

    1. A few people entered the Capitol and made noise in 2018. They should not have done so.

      However, they did not flood the premises, steal property, barge into officials’ offices and make off with documents, force evacuation of terrified legislators, smash windows and break down doors, trample a fellow demonstrator to death, and kill a policeman and injure 50 others.

      So the comparison is rather weak coffee 😉

    2. The Vidra makes a very important point, which should be repeated loudly and continually. What humbugs the Democrats are.

  7. The election was blatantly rigged - what happened in such States as Pennsylvania remined me of what used to happen in countries such as Liberia. The courts have refused to hear the evidence - because it is so overwhelming.

    As for the riots - there were massive riots in Washington D.C. a few months ago (which the media lied about - calling them "mostly peaceful). The people in the Capitol building a few days ago were a mixture of left and right - all mixed up and confused. Pointless as NOTHING CAN BE DONE. The system is corrupt to the core.

    1. Do you think the 2016 election was rigged also? Or have you been a more recent and partial convert to conspiracy?

    2. Why do you think I think the 2020 election was rigged? I don't and said so. Some fraud did happen in corrupt Democrat counties, but I see no evidence that it swung the result of any state. People are free to disagree with me on this.

    3. "Why do you think I think the 2020 election was rigged? I don't and said so. Some fraud did happen in corrupt Republican counties, but I see no evidence that it swung the result of any state. People are free to disagree with me on this." Fixed that for you.

  8. Paul, the Capitol was in fact burned in 1814, as the presenter accurately stated. The War of 1812 ended in 1815. I believe you Brits did not get around to torching the place immediately as you were otherwise engaged with another power.

    1. She said that it was the first time the Capitol had been breached since 1814 and her interlocutor, the impish Andrew Pearce of the Daily Mail, said "By us! The British did that' and she looked blank. I like him but Sky is awful.

  9. As events recede, we can achieve more perspective, too. From a step back, the assault on the Capitol was as pathetic as it was appalling. Given the astonishing nature of the security lapse, it’s doubtful that the ragtag impromptu militia ever expected to get as far as they did. Once in the building, that crowd had no idea what to do with themselves. Some planning went into the attack, but clearly not enough. Surely the primary goal of this maneuver wasn’t to kidnap Nancy Pelosi’s podium. And a few of the miscreants having been caught with zip ties doesn’t demonstrate an intention to take the entire Congress hostage or to murder the legislators en masse, as if the Trumpsters had watched Designated Survivor on Netflix too many times. You’d never know it from the coverage, but this was not a coup.

    Yet for the Joe and Kamala show, the assault will grow only more mythic, more outsized, more grandly near-calamitous. Those yahoos shouting ‘Hang Pence!’ and flaunting a Confederate flag will perform as useful idiots for the next 12 years of identitarian rule by de facto President Harris. I hope they’re pleased with themselves.

    Lionel Shriver

  10. Silviu Alexe wisely commented that yes violence does sometimes succeed, but this would not have been a good message for Mike Pence to have put out.
