Tuesday 30 March 2021

“When the ‘Spanish Flu’ took over 50 million people in just two years, it didn’t scare people half as much as Covid-19"

After more than 70 years of peace, at least in Europe and with growing prosperity, this crisis could not have hit us any more unprepared. When the ‘Spanish Flu’ took over 50 million people in just two years from 1918 to 1920, it didn’t scare people half as much as the COVID-19 pandemic does today, as far as I can see — without all the lockdowns and masks and vaccination debates.”

“...Was it perhaps because the peoples at that time were by and large more at home in religion, and its consolations and resilience? I don’t know. From my family history, I only know that in the generation of my grandparents, death was still perceived and accepted, in a certain way, simply as a ‘part of life.’”

Pope Benedict XVI's private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, in a lecture online at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna.

Douglas Murray, talking in The Strange Death of Europe, says 'Western Europeans have lost what the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno famously called the “tragic sense of life.”' He was talking about the effects of mass immigration but also about the death of religious belief and the attempt to find substitutes for it. 

One of them is to put man firmly at the centre of the universe, as indeed he is if God does not exist. This carries the grave responsibility to do godlike things like control the climate and control viruses. 

It is odd, if you think about it, what things governments are expected to do, such as control viruses, take responsibility for human rights in Afghanistan and Burma, allow boys to become girls and vice versa, and things they are understood not to be able to do, such as close borders to illegal immigrants.

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