Wednesday 2 June 2021

Victory in 1945

These words are from A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, a left-wing American historian who was exposed as a KGB agent, on the Allied victory in 1945. In fact, the victories of the Republic of China, France and England were Pyrrhic. America and Bolshevik Russia won and dominated Europe and the world until 1989. 

"The victors were the Soviet Union and the United States (also England, France and Nationalist China, but they were weak). Both these countries now went to work – without swastikas, goose-stepping, or officially declared racism, but under the cover of 'socialism' on the one side, and 'democracy' on the other, to carve out their own empires of influence. They proceeded to share and contest with one another the domination of the world, to build military machines far greater than the Fascist countries had built, to control the destinies of more countries than Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan had been able to. They also acted to control their own populations, each country with its own techniques – crude in the Soviet Union, sophisticated in the United States – to make their rule secure."

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