Saturday 7 August 2021

'Underneath feminism is the rotten leftist creed that all evils originate with the West'

You remember the widespread assaults on New Year's Eve 2015/6 which shocked Europe, but did not shock my Syrian Christian women friends and probably did not shock many in the Middle East. The German press carefully suppressed the story and the much maligned Breitbart London was the news source that broke it, as Melanie Phillips pointed out in The Times on 8 January, 2016.

This was by an Israeli writer 'focussed on radical Islam' called Daniel Greenfield, in Frontpage
'Underneath feminism is the rotten leftist creed that all evils originate with the West. It is as impossible for a mainstream feminist in good standing with the political sisterhood to acknowledge what truly happened in Cologne and commiserate with the victims as it was for a Communist to admit that there was no food because a centralized bureaucracy of senile Socialist civil servants is not the best way to run an economy......

'The left does not help women. The left only helps the left. Beneath the slick advertising, the artsy designs that lend the illusion of the personal to the impersonal and the touching video narratives is the soul of an ideological machine whose acolytes are trained to allocate empathy in tune with a rigid set of rules that are as inflexible as any Soviet commissar's handbook.

'The left is not in the business of caring, but of coordinating, and it exploits empathy to gain recruits only to mandate the things that they are allowed to care about in a coordinated ideological fashion.

'Big Feminism, along with the rest of its leftist partners, created the conditions that led to the Muslim attacks on women on New Year's Eve. And feminists are leading the cover up of the crisis they caused and continue to worsen by advocating for even more refugee admissions.'


  1. "Underneath feminism is the rotten leftist creed that all evils originate with the West."

    The sad thing is that practically everything that is currently rotten in the world did originate in the West. It was the West that gave us Wokeism, Social Justice, feminism, identity politics, neoconservatism, neoliberalism, climate change hysteria, political veganism, Freudianism, and every other bizarre perverted modern ideology.

    In art and literature the West gave us Modernism, which proceeded to destroy art and literature.

    The West gave us social media, possibly the worst evil ever unleashed upon the world.

    And the West has actively forced these evils upon the rest of the globe.

    1. I don't know what neoliberalism means - Thatcherism? I opposed it at the time but it was nothing sinister - simply freedom. Political veganism? What on earth is that and what is wrong with veganism? Social media is good and bad but becoming increasingly censored. I used to think Freud a bad thing who weakened Christianity and conservatism, as he intended to, but Freud was right about many things including the Oedipus Complex: for discovering that concept alone, he said, he deserved to be remembered. Socialism is the dreadful legacy of the West - democratic socialism and Marxism. This, like other bad things, is a Christian heresy. It is interesting that Marx, I learnt recently, was a genuine devout Christian for a time in his youth, unlike his papa.

    2. Forgive me if I wrong you, but are you not a socialist, sir?

    3. Social media is good and bad

      I don't agree. I think social media is inherently a bad idea. It's inherently harmful. The evil done by social media is due to the very nature of social media.

      Political veganism? What on earth is that and what is wrong with veganism?

      Veganism based on the idea that eating meat is morally wrong and eating meat is serving the patriarchy and capitalism and that we mist all become vegans to save the planet.

      Vegans used to be harmless lunatics but now they're political fanatics.

      Socialism is the dreadful legacy of the West

      Socialism is dead. I'm worried about the noxious ideologies that the West is inflicting on the rest of the globe right now.

      Thatcherism? I opposed it at the time but it was nothing sinister - simply freedom.

      Thatcherism was about greed, not freedom.

      While the West as a whole has been responsible for creating insane and dangerous ideologies it is of course the United States that inflicts these ideologies on the rest of the world.

      In retrospect the United States was a seriously bad idea.

    4. Forgive me if I wrong you, but are you not a socialist, sir?

      In a very very mild moderate way. I think capitalism needs to be regulated and controlled. I'm not sure that makes me a socialist.

      To be honest, these days I'm not even very political. I'm just opposed to the rising tide of totalitarianism, and worried that the Right seems to have no more commitment to freedom than does the Left. We have fanatics on both sides and they're growing more fanatical.

      And again this is an American thing. It's the Americans who have made every single aspect of life into a political issue.

    5. I like it that Americans fight over things like abortion, single sex marriage, transgender, etc etc etc - in England and Europe these and many other things are simply not discussed.

    6. I see now that Mrs Thatcher was a true conservtive though of a dispiriting type. I failed to see that she was England's De Gaulle, but her best moments were after leaving office when she opposed Maastricht. Brexit will increase her reputation, already now very high in comparison with her successors, vastly.

    7. Social media was a wonderful advance for free speech which the powers that be are trying to suppress - not from fear of a communist revolution by the poor but of a patriotic movement by the people who didn't go to university including many of the badly off and the working class. The powers that be think that putting ones nation (any nation) first is fascism. So asinine, but the West is ruled by asses. Lions led by donkeys, but I am not even sure if Europeans are still lions after so much donkey propaganda. Are contemporary Europeans the men who colonised half the world?

    8. "I think capitalism needs to be regulated and controlled. I'm not sure that makes me a socialist." Self-evidently it does not.
