Thursday 10 February 2022

"Europe doesn't matter any more"

"And Europe doesn't matter any more. Europe is basically a giant museum; that's why you all go to Europe. It's a museum." So said the great Professor John J. Mearsheimer. 

Historian Jeremy Friedman said the same thing about European cities when I shared a sleeping wagon with him going to Belgrade 13 years ago. 

Then I was shocked - now it is obvious. 

He made an exception for London, which he said was as alive as an American or Chinese city.

But then England is not in Europe.


  1. I remember when my cousin told me that the "greatest" Romanian soccer (football) generation was not capable of defeating a single European team at a final tournament. I replied that Romania defeated England at both the 1998 World Cup and the 2000 Euro. He replied: "That's different."

  2. I think I have watched one or two matches since then. Am glad that England did not win last time, on balance, despite my great love of my country. Our team was was too political.

  3. High praise! Europe washed itself of itself, making its mind.

    1. Decline might be pleasant enough if Europe's resembled Japan's decline. It does not. More ethnic wars and holocausts are likely.

    2. I do not see this at the polls, there is no agreement on what to kill - ref. @europeelects.

  4. Owen Bartholomew Mervyn commented:
    Venice is the most avant garde city in Europe in that regard. As Venice is now - geriatric, depopulated, sustained only by renting out its old stones and selling themed merchandise - so the rest of Europe will be

  5. Alex Trivunovic said:
    Europe secularised and lost any meaning or purpose. Without a vision the people perish.

  6. Karl White: The destruction of Europe's Jewish world also didn't help. As Ranke said, Europe without Jews is like unleavened bread - flat and uninteresting.

  7. Matei Paun:
    europe is a museum because it has allowed itself to be castrated. And it has been unable to evolve its national interests to the European level. There is no European national interest. And as such no capacity to pursue such interests. Hence we remain a museum.

    1. Europe's political nationalisms without tradition are tasteless enough within their respective borders [this statement might call for defining terms, admitedly]
