Friday 3 March 2023

"What a shame they can't both lose"

I feel like Kissinger on the Iraq Iran war.  "What a shame they can't both lose." 

I don't mean I want Ukraine to lose. I want Ukraine to win (very much) but I wish both Putin and Biden could lose. 

Behind Biden are the serried ranks of globalists.  They include Frau von der Leyden, Miss Anne Applebaum, the European Union, Boris Johnson, the Economist and the American press, Nato, the liberal internationalists. An American victory will strengthen them.

It's Vladimir Putin’s fault. Win or lose Nato, which should have been wound up thirty years ago, has been revived and a bolt of electricity has struck the moribund European Union.

Alongside the globalists are the social and cultural liberals, who are a much bigger threat to Western civilisation than Russia, if only because Russia is no threat to Western civilisation.

Even worse, much worse, behind the globalists are the neo-cons. They are back.

I expect everyone will lose except America, as happened in the Second World War.

But on second thoughts, victory for the neo-cons will be a defeat for America too. 

Come to think of it, has America had a real military triumph since 1945, when it was allied to England and Bolshevik Russia?


  1. Given the choice of dealing with annoying cultural liberals or a dictatorship that throws multiple thousands of its young men ill-prepared into battle and tosses opponents out of windows, I'd opt for the annoying cultural liberals. Judging from the voluntary foot traffic, so would most of the world.

    1. Definitely. I agree. I said I very much want Ukraine to win. But the Russians are not a threat to civilisation or even to Nato.

  2. Until now, perhaps not. In the last year, lines have been crossed. Unprovoked and violent attacks by a (semi)major power are viewed as threatening by many -- a threat to stability. Many people perceived the US unprovoked Iraq war as a threat the same way.

    Nations so willing to sacrifice their own people's lives in such large numbers make people nervous too.

  3. I disagree. Russia is a threat to Western Civilization. Russia desperately seeks to annihilate countries like Poland, Georgia, Moldova and Romania, the Baltics, now Ukraine. These are among the last truly European (demographically) and Christian societies on the planet. They are the remaining outposts of Western Civilization.

    1. I passionately agree that Poland, Georgia, Moldova and Romania, the Baltic states, Ukraine and the whole of Eastern Europe are the remaining outposts of Western Civilisation. Some countries like Poland and Romania are very Christian. Czechia and to some extent Hungary are not. Albania is theoretically Muslim but pretty godless. I do not see any danger of Russia attacking a Nato member or having another war with Georgia. With Moldova who can say, but considering how Russia has been humiliated in Ukraine I think it unlikely.

  4. This pathetic "Woke" Frankfurt School Marxism (with its pushing of race, sex, sexuality and-so-on) is what shoves people in to the arm of Mr Putin - as, murdering dictator though he is, he at least denounces all this as the madness that it is.

    1. So does Orbán. That doesn't make him any less of a former communist launched into politics with Soros funds. (It's all on Wikipedia). Don't be so susceptible to rhetoric, talk is cheap.
