Friday 19 May 2023

I hope Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Junior is elected US president

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior is the candidate I hope wins. 

He'd rescue his party from Woke and authoritarianism. He'd rescue the world from the Biden, neo-cons and the US military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about as he stepped down in favour of his Uncle John.

He says “President Trump [is] blamed for a lot of things that he didn’t do,” but he is most certainly to “blame for the lockdown.” The lockdown was “the worst thing that he did to this country, to our civil rights, economy and middle-class.”

His views on the Ukrainian war are here.


  1. Joseph Biden will retire from the presidency and start for Manchester City before Robert Kennedy wins another election beyond the municipal level.

    1. And not even that. These crackpots never start out by running for alderman or mayor. They feel they should step into the highest office of the land on their feet first try for electoral office.

  2. Troublemaking teenager, plagiarist author, wife-hopper (one wife hanged herself), second-rate lawyer, and addicted to sex, drugs, and conspiracy theories. Oh, and possessed of an punlistenable speaking voice. Just what America needs!

    1. Like our gentle author, Kennedy peddles lunatic nonsense.

  3. He is sort of a Democrat/left wing version of Trump - they're both wretched people but they're on the populist side of things and speak the truth.

  4. He is sort of a Democrat/left wing version of Trump - they're both wretched people but they're on the populist side of things and speak the truth.

  5. Aren't left-wingers supposed to be the crybabies? Whiners like RFK Jr bang on about a year-and-a-half US period of masks (unevenly worn), vaccines (often voluntarily rejected) and lockdowns (not enforced in huge parts of the country) as though this comparatively short interlude were worse than the Holocaust.

    People are moving on from Covid and won't care much about RFK's looking backward.

  6. Here is a very intelligent and sane assessment of Covid from Mr Kennedy. Reported on by a Murdoch paper.

    1. I had just read this. Do a moment's research.
