Wednesday 5 July 2023

Ukraine's tragic mistakes and Joe Biden, who encouraged them, losing his grip

'And (I'm serious about this), the retired Francis would face criminal prosecution for his alleged complicity in abuse cover-ups and if found guilty would be laicised and maybe receive a jail sentence. I mean it.' Damian Thompson, former editor of the Catholic Herald.

“If there were statesmen in Ukraine who cared about the fate of their country, it would not be what it is today: a bankrupt country artificially supported by the West, with destroyed cities and infrastructure that sent 250,000 very young people to death (rounded down) and is going to kill others, obeying the will of NATO. Washington and, unfortunately, all of Europe are using Kiev to implement a dangerous and insane strategy with which they hope to defeat Russia and weaken the Putin regime… The ruling elites in the US and Europe are sacrificing children, youth, women and other citizens, pretending that they encourage the pursuit of freedom. What ridiculous hypocrisy!" Elena Basile, the former Italian ambassador to Sweden and Belgium, in the newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano. I don't agree with all and not necessarily most of that, but Zelensky could certainly have avoided the invasion had he been clever or even competent. The Biden Administration misled him in a way that can fairly be called wicked.

Never underestimate the sτυριdιτγ of people in large groups. All the box-head gypsies, waving flags at Maidan & eating Victoria Nuland's cookies. If they were that sτυριd, it is difficult to imagine a different outcome for them. The dildo of consequences, rarely arrives pre-lubed

It's hard to think of a country that threatened a larger one, then brought so much destruction on itself. Maybe France attacking Germany in 1870. Carthage defying the Roman Empire. If they had grovelled to Russia & stayed neutral, maybe none of this would have happened.

"But a closer look reveals that Western corporate elites convened in the British capital for somewhat less altruistic reasons: namely, to stake their claims to the massive profit opportunities being created by the war. This becomes apparent when one considers that last year, the Ukrainian government essentially outsourced the entire post-war “reconstruction” process to BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm. In February, J.P. Morgan was brought on board as well." Thomas Fazi, in Unherd.

"We found $4.5 billion worth of payments from the US Agency for International Development to pay off Ukraine’s sovereign debt. Much of which is owned by the global investment firm BlackRock.”
Max Blumenthal addressing the UN Security Council at Russia's invitation.

This is an advert by the US armed forces. The numbers signing up now are only three quarters of what the Pentagon wants. I wonder why.

“If anybody told you … that we’d be able to bring all of Europe together in the onslaught on Iraq and get NATO to be completely united, I think they would have told you it’s not likely.” President Biden, on Tuesday of last week

Putin is “clearly losing the war in Iraq.” President Biden the next day, talking to the White House press conference.

On March 26, 2022 Biden declared in Poland “For God's sake, he [Putin] cannot remain in power”. This was a gaffe. Gaffes usually mean occasions when a politician tells the truth.

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