Monday 29 January 2024

Three American soldiers killed by drone strike in Jordan

I got it wrong - the top secret American base on the Jordanian-Syrian border is just inside Jordan and is there legally. It is said to be a 
CIA station for spying and covert operations, at the moment to assist Israel.

Three American soldiers in the base were killed by a drone. 

The US garrison nearby across the Syrian border is illegal. The Americans were there originally to destabilise the government of Syria, but perhaps now to keep an eye on Iran and Iraq. 

The Americans have no more right to be in Syria than the Russians have to be in Ukraine.

Iran attacked Baluchi terrorists or bandits or freedom fighters in Pakistan recently, which was said by fools to be an act of aggression. It was one, of course, but in retaliation for a similar raid by the Pakistani army last month in Baluchistan in Iran, in which 11 Iranian policemen were killed.

To read the British press this morning you'd think it was Iran that is the aggressor but what is America? 

What right had Hillary Clinton days before she lost the 2016 election to say that regime change in Syria would be her top priority? 

Do you imagine that America and Israel are not doing what they can to effect regime change in Iran?

I think the Western intervention in 1990 against Iraq was a good thing. How has subsequent interference in the Middle East by the US , UK  or France benefitted anyone, except possibly Israel that wants to be surrounded by failed states?

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