Sunday 21 January 2024

Genocide by any other name

Left-wing Israeli journalist Gideon Levy three days ago:

'Listen, the Israelis don’t seem to care that so many innocent Palestinians were killed. They just care how to label it, if it’s genocide or not. And I say it doesn’t matter what is the legal definition. Twenty-four thousand people, most of them innocent people, 60, 70% of them women and children, 10,000 children among them, this is enough of a fact that nobody can deny, by the way, to ask ourselves: Do we really have the right to do it? What does it tell about us, about our moral standards? And, above all, how long will we go on, and where are we aiming to? Another 25,000 killed people in Gaza will guarantee more security to Israel? And even if yes, do we have the right to do so?'


Israel’s war with Hamas has mutated into a campaign to rid Israel of its Arab population. This development pits Israel and the United States in a showdown with the Islamic world, and potentially Russia, China, and the Global South.

I thought this was likely when Netanyahu announced he would not rest until Hamas is completely defeated. Obviously Hamas can only be defeated if all Arabs are removed from both Gaza and the West Bank, which is what Netanyahu, the Likud and their far right allies wanted anyway, if they could get it. 

Now with American support they think they can clear Arabs from Gaza. 

The Likud in the 1970s used as the slogan 'From the river to the sea' - a slogan which in the UK is illegal hate speech but only if used by people who sympathise with the Arabs.

Perhaps the only way they can be stopped if Jewish and other Democrat voters in the USA protest enough.

That's why the pro-Israeli propaganda offensive is so intense.


  1. From 2010, interviewed by the Jewish Chronicle. "Hamas is to be blamed for launching the Kassams. This is unbearable. No sovereign state would have tolerated it. Israel had the right to react.....But the first question you have to ask yourselves is why Hamas launched the missiles. Before criticising Hamas I would rather criticise my own government which carries a much bigger responsibility for the occupation and conditions in Gaza ... And our behaviour was unacceptable."

  2. Of course it is not the scale of what Israel is doing, but the dogged, unrelenting coldbloodedness of it, its shamelessness.

    Fred Reed
