Thursday 25 January 2024


'Money is just makeup for men.' Rose Pinochet 

'Maybe this world is another planet's hell.' 
Aldous Huxley. I think this world is wonderful but would not were I in Gaza.

'So you’re telling me we have to have a job and live by these trivial rules in a society we hate where we’re isolated and we’ll get arrested if we try to live in the woods for free.' Chadinski Karine

'Let me take, as an example, the popular DEI slogan “Diversity is our strength.” This states as an absolute truth a belief that, at best, can only be conditional. When George Washington decided not to require, as part of the military oath of the Continental Army, a disavowal of transubstantiation (as had been previous practice), he was able to enlist Catholic soldiers from Maryland to fight the British. Diversity was our strength. On the other hand, when the combined forces of Islam, under the command of Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik, besieged Constantinople in 717, diversity was not their strength. At the crisis of the siege, the Christian sailors rowing in the Muslim navy rose in revolt and the amphibious assault broke down.' Ed  West, 
Wrong Side of History, January 21 2024

'Although they dreamed of being on top the working class were in fact on the bottom; and the whole of their struggle was directed not towards acquiring power for which inwardly they felt themselves unfitted but towards limiting the power of those who had it.' Robert, Lord Skidelsky in his wonderful biography of Sir Oswald Mosley which I recently reread, on why the British Labour Party in 1931 did not adopt Keynesian policies and why therefore Mosley left the party. It is a reminder of how the British class system worked and works. 


  1. "'So you’re telling me we have to have a job and live by these trivial rules in a society we hate where we’re isolated and we’ll get arrested if we try to live in the woods for free.' Chadinski Karine

    Is Chadinski a disgruntled teenager?

  2. The eternal cry of the Jew: “The whole world hates me. What’s wrong with the whole world?”
