Thursday 1 February 2024


"When once you find a woman gluttonous expect of her very little virtue." Dr Johnson

"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life." Cecil Rhodes

“'I don’t believe,’ said Mr Prendergast, ‘that people would ever fall in love or want to be married if they hadn’t been told about it. It’s like abroad: no one would want to go there if they hadn’t been told it existed. Don’t you agree?'” Waugh's Decline and Fall

"The greatest encouragement I received from Gilbert Murray and from my friends and colleagues at the Sorbonne—Croiset, Girard, and Haussoullier. To their kind words and heartening letters I owe more than to anything else, for they stimulated me to continue in the delicate but gigantic task of constituting the text of the "Great Three" and of publishing an annotated edition of the supreme dramatic artists of the world. To do this properly, I was obliged to transcribe the thirty-three plays in my own handwriting, so as to become more familiar with the style, syntax, and vocabulary of each, and to leave ample space for my corrections of the text and for marginal notes. That Demosthenes copied Thucydides eight times is probably fiction; but we know that Charles Nodier copied the whole of Rabelais three times in manuscript, in order to learn something about the use of his native tongue." Joseph Edward Harry (1863-1949), Greek Tragedy: Emendations, Interpretations and Critical Notes, Vol. I: Aeschylus and Sophocles

1 comment:

  1. Are we likewise supposed to assume moral turpitude in men with hoglike, overfed bodies?
