Friday 28 June 2024

Great is the truth and shall conquer

I whooped, something very rare for me, when I turned fron the Telegraph Obituaries page (nobody interesting died yesterday) to the News.

I hope they don't shoot Trump's fox even though a Democratic Party civil war would be, in Professor Stanley Unwin's phrase, deep joy.

1 comment:

  1. It descended into chaos over a golf handicap of 6 .
    An unsurprising and demoralising debate for the Americans; more alarming was the bizarre but complete agreement by CNN talking heads that Kamala is a must as replacement with almost immediate effect (if Mrs Biden can persuade Joe to step back of course). I felt it was faux surprise at his frailty (🤷🤔) that Biden had been hung out to dry with an intention to replace him already long planned.
