Monday 22 July 2024

American oligarchy

The American presidential election in November will be the first since 1976 not to have a Biden, Bush or Clinton on the ballot. 

It will however have a Kennedy and he'd make a very good President. He'd rid the Democrats of woke. Unfortunately the Democrat establishment sabotaged his attempt to run against Biden and he left the party.

The election will be only the second since 1948 not to have one of five names, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Nixon or Dole, on the ballot. The other one was 1964.

I remember a young member of the Kennedy clan posting on Facebook in 2016 that George H.W. Bush had just told her that he was going to vote for Mrs Clinton. 

What a small world it is in America, where Bushes tell Kennedys they back Clintons.

It brings to mind the 19th century rhyme about Boston.
And this is good old Boston,
The home of the bean and the cod,
Where the Lowells speak only to Cabots,
And the Cabots speak only to God.


  1. G.H.W. Bush was the son of senator, but politically speaking the founder of the Bush dynasty was Ronald Reagan. GHWB was one of several plausible candidates for the VP spot in 1980, and had Reagan not chosen him, who would have topped out a cabinet level.

    William Jefferson Clinton was the posthumous son of a traveling salesman, Biden the son of an auto dealer. Oligarchically, they aren't much.

    1. I agree - the post title is misleading. Nixon and Reagan came from poor backgrounds. Ford's adoptive father sold paint. See my comment below.

  2. Bill Clinton deserves credit for rising to where he did from a poor background.

    RFK Junior has a long history as a sex addict, a drug addict, a tormentor of a suicidal spouse, and a betrayer of partners and collaborators. His candidacy is currently going nowhere.

    1. Nixon and Reagan came from poor backgrounds. Ford's adoptive father sold paint. Back in the 19th century at least seven U.S. presidents were born in log cabins, including Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, and James A. Garfield.
