Friday 5 July 2024


Sir Keir Starmer, whose father was an aggressive atheist, does not believe in God, like Macdonald, who was some sort of cloudy humanist, Attlee and Callaghan.

Chamberlain was a Unitarian but instead of believing in God though not in the divinity of Jesus he described himself  as a reverent agnostic. 

He and Macdonald are the two 20th century Prime Ministers to be buried in the Abbey.

Callaghan had been a Baptist lay preacher before he lost his faith. 

Lloyd George liked hymns but that was about it. 

Churchill was the same though he spoke about 'the man upstairs'. He was a deist probably.

Other Labour leaders who didn't believe in God were Kinnock, Gaitskell, Foot, presumably and Ed Miliband. 

Labour once was said to owe more to Methodism than Marx but not so much now. Do Labour party conferences still start with a church service?

David Cameron said his faith came and went like the radio station Classic FM in the Cotswolds, a line he plagiarised from Boris Johnson. 

Theresa May is Church of England, very religious and is in favour of single sex marriage and easily available abortion. 

Ian Duncan Smith is Catholic, Michael Howard occasionally goes to a Reform synagogue. 

Rishi Sunak is a Hindu who takes his faith seriously. 

Carol Thatcher told me that her mother was not religious, but whether or not she went to church she was very religious. As she said "Economics is only the method. The aim is to change people's souls."

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