Saturday 27 July 2024

We live in an age of narcissists: Biden is as narcissistic as Obama or Trump and much less competent than either

By the way, I am not talking about malignant narcissists who resemble psychopaths, just people motived by vanity.

 This is Freddie Gay two days ago, quoting the senile US President:

“I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future, all merited a second term,” he said. “But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”

"Oh, the humility! Everybody knows, however, that Biden should have given this speech years ago, when he was less far gone. But his “personal ambition”, his lust for power and his epic self-regard meant that he refused to give way until he had no choice....

"But the American people have not chosen Kamala Harris. She would not have won the Democratic primary through democratic means. She has instead been foisted on a party that is desperate to stop Donald Trump and doesn’t really know how to do it. “History is in your hands,” concluded Biden. “The power’s in your hands.” In the large and crowded field of Biden lies, that stands out as the biggest."
I agree completely.

We live in an age of narcissists: Messrs Biden, Obama, Trump, Macron, Johnson, Liz Truss and Theresa May (she was entirely motivated by vanity). Even the Pope has this vice. 

I have not detected it in Kamala.

I can't think of US presidents before Obama who were narcissists, any earlier British prime ministers or any pope. 

I suppose it's a symptom of what the Kremlin in the Cold War used to call Western decadence. The West was not so very decadent them, but is now.

I could say much more about Joe Biden's inadequacies, his indecisive, weak leadership, his contribution to Russia invading Ukraine and to what is happening in Gaza. His sister said he was not mentally fit to be president in 2020, though she changed her mind recently. 

Then there is what his daughter wrote in her diary about showering with him.

A number of feminists in 2020 said they believed the rape allegation in 2020, although they were still going to vote for him.

Now even MI6 outlets like Con Coughlin in the Telegraph think Kamala Harris a bigger threat to the West than Trump. Maybe that's UK deep state thinking, that Trump accepts Nato and will not make peace with Russia, while Miss Harris does not like Netanyahu. Perhaps they think the Palestinians somehow endanger British interests more than Russia (obviously neither do).

I hope Donald Trump, with all his faults, wins because he might end this stupid, pointless cold war with Russia and China. 

As for the Middle East, there is no point in hoping for peace there. 

It is the tragic legacy of a mistake in British colonial policy which cannot be undone.

1 comment:

  1. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans continue to be more likely to oppose than support Israel’s military action in Gaza, but public backing has increased slightly since Gallup’s prior reading in March. The 42% of U.S. adults who currently approve of the military campaign is up six percentage points, while the 48% who now disapprove is down seven points.

    These findings are from a June 3-23 poll, which began after Israel’s military campaign in the Gazan city of Rafah drew international criticism, and optimism about a potential hostage and cease-fire deal had faded. The poll was completed before an announcement that there had been significant new progress in reaching a cease-fire deal in the conflict.

    The latest increase in Americans’ approval of Israel’s military action is largely the result of a 12-point increase among Republicans, to 76%, which is higher than the group’s initial reading in the month after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Meanwhile, Democrats’ and independents’ support in the June poll edged up five points each -- to 23% and 34%, respectively, with majorities of each group still expressing disapproval.

    In Gallup’s initial November reading, 50% of Americans approved of Israel’s military action in response to the surprise attack by Hamas, and 45% disapproved. Republicans (71%) were much more supportive of Israel than Democrats (36%) and independents (47%) were, and they have continued to be in the ensuing months.

    As the war progressed, the United Nations and others in the international community raised deep concern about the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Gaza. In March, U.S. adults’ approval of Israel’s efforts fell to 36%, with 55% disapproving. Although all party groups showed declines in approval of Israel’s efforts, these were larger among Democrats and independents (-18 points each) than Republicans (-7 points).
