Wednesday 3 June 2020

This one killing in America is the main news throughout the developed world

Ann Coulter has reminded us not to jump to conclusions about George Floyd's death, as we did with the case of Rodney King, all those years ago. The case is sub judice and a man has been charged with murder. If he is not convicted I hope he makes a fortune suing people who have said he is a murderer. Piers Morgan is one example.

Why this should interest anyone outside the USA it would be hard to explain to Martians, but this quarrel in a far away country holds the attention of the world. It was the same with OJ Simpson, of whom no-one outside the USA had ever heard until he was charged with having tried to murder his former wife. 

We know why. America rules the world. Even England is reduced to being a suburb of what was once our suburb.

This means that intellectual fashions that start there spread here, even via the EU apparatchiks to Romania in the end.


  1. I miss your commentary on small, geopolitically insignificant but interesting and lesser-known Romania, a society you know much more about. You expressed more original thoughts than just harvesting bumps from Twitter.

    1. I must write about Romania, I agree. The nonsensical reaction to this dreadful killing is significant for the whole world though.

    2. An American Republican friend says that when I write about America I am always absolutely spot-on. But then he lives in the Far East.

    3. But I thank you for saying my thoughts are more original than theirs and think you might be right. The knack isn't, of course, being original but being original and right.
