Sunday 7 July 2024

Three grave Biden scandals

Brian Flood on Fox News on Friday, on Olivia Nuzzi's New York magazine article about a "conspiracy" to hide President Biden’s mental decline:
'Nuzzi detailed a reception before the White House Correspondents’ Dinner earlier this year when she saw Biden in person for the first time in several weeks.

'"Up close, the president does not look quite plausible. It’s not that he’s old. We all know what old looks like. Bernie Sanders is old. Mitch McConnell is old. Most of the ruling class is old. The president was something stranger, something not of this earth," she wrote.
"His thin skin, long a figurative problem and now a literal one, was pulled tightly over cheeks that seemed to vary month to month in volume. Under artificial light and in the sunshine, he took on an unnatural gleam. He looked, well, inflated," she continued. "His eyes were half-shut or open very wide. They appeared darker than they once had, his pupils dilated. He did not blink at regular intervals."

'Nuzzi said she tried to make eye contact with Biden but "it was like his eyes, though open, were not on."'

Why did she and the rest of the White House press corps keep quiet? 

You know why.

The first scandal is that Biden is about to be nominated as Democratic candidate - except he is not.

The second is that he is still in office.

The third is that the legacy media knew he was suffering from dementia - even more than did right-wing bloggers, tweeters and alternative left and right wing media (whom the left does not read) but wanted to suppress the story. Now they are found out they are hurrying to demand his resignation, like Claude Rains in Casablanca saying 'I'm shocked, shocked, to discover that gambling has been going on on the premises'.

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