Tuesday 2 July 2013

Three very recent British immigration statistics


9% of British people under 25 are Muslim, according to the 2011 Census, which, incidentally, will be the last census in the United Kingdom.

Mathematicians among my readers will realise that this means, barring some unforeseen event like the arrival of millions of Hindus, Christians or sun worshippers on our shores, that in the future at least 9% of British people will be Muslims. I presume that illegal immigrants in general do not fill out census forms and so this does not take account of them, nor of differential rates of natality among different religious groups. 

Nor does it take into account new immigrants. Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch has said that,
'More people migrated to the UK in 2010 than from 1066 to 1950.'

Readers will remember that the Labour Government left office in May 2010 and David Cameron became Prime Minister promising to reduce immigration to 'the tens of thousands'.

Another set of figures just published by the British Department of Education show that almost one fifth of pupils in primary education (I think in England and Wales but the Daily Telegraph does not make this clear) speak English as a second language. This follows a sharp rise in the number of foreign-born pupils over the last 12 months. The details are here.

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