Monday 18 March 2019

What next? Nigel Farage's boast

I chose a very bad time to stop reading the newspapers. It freed up huge amounts of time but I cannot miss these moments in our island story.

I imagine the government will find some way round the Speaker's ruling this afternoon forbidding them to introduce substantially the same motion a third time after it was heavily defeated, citing a decision by Speaker Phelips in 1604 and various occasions when the precedent was followed, the most recent being in 1943. 

Did Mrs May really think no deal was better than a bad deal, she would have prorogued Parliament weeks ago and left with no deal. Now she may prorogue Parliament and recall it within days in order to get round the ruling (this was done in 1948 to get round the provisions of the 1911 Parliament Act and pass the 1949 Parliament Act). 

But the Father of the European Parliament, one Elmar Brok, who sits on the toy Parliament’s Brexit steering group, said that Nigel Farage is saying that he has “already agreed with Salvini… that he will refuse any extension” to Britain’s Article 50 negotiations with Brussels, to ensure the United Kingdom leaves the EU on March 29th as currently scheduled, with no deal.

somehow do not believe Mr. Salvini said this, but who knows these days?

Does it have my vote to be true if it may? Oh yes.

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