Monday 1 June 2020

New York lawyers charged with hurling Molotov Cocktail at police vehicle

Someone said that the French Revolution was not caused by hungry peasants but by hungry lawyers. The race riots in America allegedly involve lawyers who are far from hungry. 

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman have been charged with throwing a Molotov Cocktail at a police vehicle, an act that was caught on camera. Colinford Mattis graduated from Princeton University and is an associate with a Times Sq firm called Pryor Cashman, where he specializes in start-ups. The average associate salary in the firm is $237,000 p.a.

Colinford Mattis seems to embody a large element of the American left and of the zeitgeist and explain why Donald Trump got to the White House.


  1. One misguided lawyer doth not the Democratic Party make.

  2. In any socially destructive movement you'll always find lots and lots of lawyers. It's a particular problem when (as is the case today) there's a massive over-supply of lawyers.
