Friday 12 June 2020

The Queen hid in the bushes from the Ceausescus

Journalist and royal biographer Robert Hardman told a story on a TV documentary called Our Queen: Inside the Crown about the occasion when the Ceaușescus stayed at Buckingham Palace.
The Queen took the corgis out for a walk in the palace gardens and she could see the Ceaușescus coming the other way. She thought, 'I really can't face talking to them,' so the first and only time in her life, she actually hid in a bush in the palace gardens to avoid her guests."
She has to meet all sorts. The Emperor Hirohito, whose army tortured so many British soldiers, was her guest, though he seems to have been welcome. When she was required to shake the hands of IRA murderer Martin McGuinness she wore gloves. She did, however, get out of knighting Mick Jagger, whom she doubtless associates with so many bad things about the 1960s, and deputed the job  to somebody else.

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