Thursday 24 August 2023

Kindness can go too far


"It's a little embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'Try to be a little kinder.''"

Aldous Huxley, "Moksha: Writings on Psychedelics & the Visionary Experience". 

The British are much kinder than forty years ago, but I start to think they are too kind. That's the problem.


  1. The obsession with trans inclusivity is making a mockery of equality
    'Be kind' has become a pernicious mantra in British society, allowing some rights to be placed above others. It must be scrapped

    KATE BARKER Daily Telegraph
    4 September 2023 • 11:39am

    A placard supporting transgender rights is shown at the Stonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival
    When Jenny Watson’s lesbian speed-dating event was cancelled, the news was greeted by some with the sanctimonious smile of the virtuous.

    This event must be cancelled because it is not “inclusive”, the pub manager explained. When pressed on what that actually meant, he confirmed that a lesbian event that didn’t include men would not align with the “values” of the pub.

    He told us that complaints had been received from men, identifying as women and as lesbians, who said it was unfair that they were not welcome to attend.

    This was no surprise to Jenny. The men had already written to her employer and told them she was a transphobe and should be sacked. They contacted the platform she used to sell tickets and attempted to shut down her account. They sent her unsettling emails – “this isn’t going to go away”. She received a threat of gang rape in the post.

    Most reasonable people would think it absurd that a lesbian speed-dating event must put men’s desire to attend, above the needs of women who want to meet and socialise in a female-only space. So how did we get here?

