Sunday 16 June 2024

Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reveals Israeli government ordered a deluge of fake news on social media including about antisemitism in US universities

But why does the Western press ignore this story and talk about Russian disinformation instead? 

You know why. It fits the CIA/MI6 line.

Clearly all countries lie in war (think of the Zaka men's inventions about Hamas rapes) but it would be useful if the public kept this in mind instead of believing Israel and Ukraine while automatically discounting what China and Russia say. 

'Three months after reporting the campaign's existence, Haaretz has learned that it was commissioned by the Israeli government. Additional operations of this type may be running online right now.

'The campaign began with the establishment of three fake "news sites" that copied reports from official media sources. These sites had associated Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, which amassed tens of thousands of followers. Meanwhile, the people running the operation used hundreds of avatars to aggressively promote purported articles that served the Israeli narrative, including reports about the sexual assaults by Hamas and about alleged ties between the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and Hamas. The articles were mainly directed at the online accounts of Black lawmakers in the U.S., particularly Democrats.

'The follow-up report by Fake Reporter now being published shows the full extent of the Israeli influence operation, which pivoted into "a large-scale, well-coordinated effort to attack and smear groups that are typically pro-Palestinian. These groups include citizens of Western countries (mainly the U.S. and Canada) of Islamic origins, using deeply Islamophobic and anti-immigrant content.

'At the end of April, the "news sites" mentioned above began promoting a site called the Good Samaritan, which mapped and ranked American universities according to the amount of alleged antisemitic incidents on their campuses and whether it was safe for Jews to study there. An examination of the site's code showed that it included unique features from the sites that were previously revealed.

'A network analysis found four other websites that used the same IP and promoted content designed for certain audiences. One was the United Citizens for Canada site, which had multiple social media accounts and disseminated heavily Islamophobic material, including claims that Muslim immigrants were a threat to Canada and demanding a sharia state. Another was the Arab Slave Trade site, which was copied almost entirely from Wikipedia and was aimed at Black Americans, trying to repeat the message that the Arabs had been slave traders in Africa. Yet another site was called Serenity Now, which branded itself as anarchist and anti-establishment, sought to convince young Americans to oppose the creation of a Palestinian state because "states are manmade structures" and a Palestinian state "would hurt the goals of the progressive movement."

'Facebook removed accounts connected to these fake sites a few weeks ago. Last week, Meta and OpenAI confirmed the existence of the influence operation and ascribed it to the Israeli company Stoic.'
As for antisemitism the IDF are dab hands at it, judging by the numbers of Semites they have killed.

By the way, I don't think it's true that the Arab struggle against Israel is about hatred of Jews. Muslims Jews and Christians lived in amity in Jerusalem in 1913 despite the huge influx of Jews in the preceding thirty years. I read this book on the subject. Jews and Arabs attended one another's weddings and had few problems.

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