Friday 6 September 2024

Netanyahu is "seeking to run out the clock until the American election"

US officials told the New York Times that Prime Benjamin Netanyahu is "seeking to run out the clock until the American election", meaning he will postpone a deal over the captives held in Gaza until the election in order not to help Kamala Harris.

I saw one American Jewish woman on Facebook, who previously thought Trump was an evil would-be dictator, now says she will vote for him. 'I'm not a liberal, I'm a centrist and for me the tribe always comes first!'

She suspects that Kamala Harris, a staunch Zionist who is married to a Jew, is an antisemite.

This reminds me of Mehachem Begin calling the hugely philosemitic Margaret Thatcher, an antisemite.

She was MP for the most Jewish constituency in the UK, Finchley, and more than a quarter of her cabinet was at one point Jewish.

She loathed him though and did not forget the 91 people he had had murdered at the King David Hotel, 28 of them British, in 1946. All but 14 of the 91 were civilians. 

Nor did she forget that over 750 British soldiers and policemen were murdered by Begin's organisation the Irgun and other Jewish terrorists.

Netanyahu was his protégé.

1 comment:

  1. The British bungled the handover of Palestine — they invited retribution when they promised the territories to the Jews and also to the Palestinians whose mufti cozied up to Hitler.
