Friday 20 October 2023

52,250 Nigerian Christians have been brutally murdered


The Vatican website says that "according to the report “Martyred Christians in Nigeria” issued by Intersociety, over the past 14 years at least 52,250 Nigerian Christians have been brutally murdered at the hands of Islamist militants." British, European and American public opinion is indiferent. Public opinion is mainstream media opinion to a large extent.


  1. A quick Google search suggests that 1000 American soldiers are stationed in Nigeria. Boko Haram outrages, and their after-effects, do make the metropolitan papers from time to time.

  2. Yes of course but compare the reaction to these horrors with the atrocities committed by Hamas two weeks ago. We do not see what has been happening in Yemen nor in Gaza now because no TV cameras are allowed to cover either war.
