Sunday 5 July 2020

Black lives matter

I am told that yesterday and early this morning there were fifty shootings in Chicago and all of them black on black. This puts the BLM riots into context.

What causes the outbreaks of disorder? It's murky and we shall only know the details in time.

On one level they are organised by very dangerous extreme leftists who say they want to abolish the family and capitalism. But this doesnt explain the real reasons behind it or the reason it's supported by big business, academia and much of the state. The real purpose is to prevent Donald Trump winning a second term. This is another coup attempt.

He has handled the riots very badly and done nothing to suppress them but I still expect that they will give him victory at the polls. But he is very far behind in the polls in Florida and Pennsylvania, which he must win. He has to up his game and, if Tucker Carlson is well informed, which I imagine he is, listen much less to his Democrat daughter and son in law and more to his own instincts.

And the repercussions of BLM in Europe? I don't understand why the political establishment sides with rioters or sees boys trying to protect statues of heroes as the danger to the commonwealth. 

Gentle reader, if you know please of your charity leave a comment to inform me and my readers. 


  1. 'He has handled the riots very badly'

    The burning of a family store by urban savages should, obviously I hope, not be allowed.

    But the pillagers are overwhelmingly black. Expecting them to behave as if civilized would be racist, and intolerant, and cultural imperialism, and discrimination, and just like Hitler. 

    So they hunt and gather at will, shrieking in ebonics and streaming from stores with bags of booty. It is the same in every riot. 

    No, most blacks are not looters. Yes, many are horrified by it. Yes, blacks are human beings and have feelings like everybody else, etc.
    It remains that looting and burning are a black game.

    What politician is going to order the shooting of hundreds of black Americans?

    Studies in Applied Stupidity
    FRED REED • JUNE 7, 2020

  2. ' I don't understand why the political establishment sides with rioters'


  3. On one level they are organised by very dangerous extreme leftists who say they want to abolish the family and capitalism. But this doesnt explain the real reasons behind it or the reason it's supported by big business, academia and much of the state.

    Yes. What we're seeing is not Cultural Marxism but Cultural Capitalism. The major objective is to distract people from any questioning of the current capitalist system. There are other objectives - a divided and demoralised populace will be incapable of offering any effective resistance to the ever-increasing power and wealth of mega-corporations.

    What the mega-corporations want is an easily controlled populace of willing consumers. Politicians in the U.S. are OK with this because they're owned lock, tock and barrel by the mega-corporations.

    Capitalism may have been a very good very effective system once but it has mutated into something extremely toxic, and the symbiotic relationship that has developed between Big Capital and Big Government is very dangerous.

    Yet another advantage of these protests is that they distract attention away from the increasingy reckless and unhinged foreign policy of the United States.

    Some of the antifa and BLM foot-soldiers really do believe that they are marxists but in fact their understanding of Marxism is non-existent. They are almost all young and they are too ill-educated to realise that they are being used.

    There's a definite element of generational warfare as well - Millennials and Zoomers motivated by extreme and irrational hatred of Boomers and Gen Xers.
