Saturday 29 June 2024

America will not tolerate threats to its hegemony


 "Russia today is a preeminent global actor in both the economic and political spheres. Yet for the Ruling Strata in the U.S., equal status between Moscow and Washington is out of the question. The Cold War mentality still infuses the Beltway with the unwarranted confidence that the Ukraine conflict might somehow result in Russian collapse and dismemberment." Alistair Crooke.

I'd love the Russian Federation to dissolve spontaneously but not because of American chicanery. I'd like the Iranian regime to collapse but not because of America. At the moment America is the biggest threat to peace, because it is anxious to assert its will everywhere.


  1. I would not love the dissolution of the Russian Federation. It would be an enormous gain of influence of China in Eastern Siberia and the Pacific region and for Islam in Central Asia. No matter how Russia is today, I prefer its regime to the aforementioned two. Russia is European, despite the Mongol invasions and its autocracy. Peter the Great and Catherine (also the Great) made it so. Euler lived there. Tolstoy, etc.

    1. Very good point. I would like Dagestan and the other Caucasian countries to be free and Tannu Tuva which was independent until 1944.

    2. Dagestan, a penniless landlocked Islamic republic wholly dependent on remittances from migrants abroad. Exactly what the world needs now.

  2. In a world where Russia is fighting on Ukrainian territory, China is arrogating Philippine and Vietnamese waters and atolls to itself and playing war games around Taiwan, I don't see this.

    1. Is America not resisting rather than dividing the world into spheres of influence? And has America not provoked Russia (and arguably but here I am fairly ignorant China?

  3. America never really wanted Ukraine in NATO. It’s not ready. Putin fabricated Ukraine’s potentially joining NATO as an issue. Now two other other neighboring European states joined NATO as a result of his Ukraine invasion, so maybe responding to “provocation” was not such a wise choice.
