Sunday 23 June 2024

"If you started measuring world temperatures from medieval times there's been a general cooling of about four degrees.”

“If you started measuring global temperatures from medieval times there's been a general cooling of about four degrees.”

Professor Ian Plimer, a geologist, in a podcast in August 2022. His opinions were taken down by Instagram. It seems that 0.7 degrees is an underestimate, the planet has warmed 1.1 degrees since 1850 and to have started warming dramatically since 1980. The fact-checking does not seem to address the Professor's main point, about the Medieval Warm Period.


  1. The dinosaurs strutted their stuff in tropical Leeds.


  2. Just wait until those subterranean volcanoes in the Japanese shipping lanes go off. We’ll be BEGGING for global warming then.
    We are on a volatile planet hurtling through space. Our solar activity has just decreased as it does after 11 or 12 years. I’m looking forward to the useful idiots explaining our crap summers for the next decade. Oh wait, it’ll be climate change. Honestly, I’m starting to doubt our supremacy at the top of the food chain. As social mammals we are making idiots of ourselves. I expect more. Social media has done this. It’s The Midwich Cuckoos. I’m not sure we’ll get a better ending. It’s as though Enlightenment never happened. Rant just started.
