Monday 3 June 2024

The BBC adverts about 'absolutely no spin' would make a dog laugh


A BBC story about disinformation on TikTok by a Disinformation Officer herself discredited. The disinformation seems to be satire and political knockabout.

A woman given a similar job in the USA had said on Twitter that the Hunter Biden laptop story was false. 

The BBC hates free speech and TikTok has a relaxed 'moderation' (censorship) policy - enabling many pro-Palestinian stories to get an audience, for example, which worries MI6. 

The British state for some reason has started treating Israel as an ally, though there never has been any alliance between the Jewish state that we midwived and the UK.

1 comment:

  1. David, Lord Frost: 'BBC Verify fact-checked Nigel Farage’s views on net zero on Friday by reference to the views of the Climate Change Committee. But anyone who knows anything about net zero knows that, while the Committee’s views may be received wisdom amongst much of the establishment, they are definitely controversial. They have to be open to debate. You can’t say that Farage’s views are just comment but the Committee’s views are fact.'
